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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

COMPARE COUNTRIES "South Africa vs Colombia"

Culture is defined as the collective mental programming of the human mind which distinguishes one group of people from another. This programming influences patterns of thinking which are reflected in the meaning people attach to various aspects of life and which become crystallised in the institutions of a society. If we explore South African culture through the lens of Model 6-D, we can get a good overview of the deep drivers of their culture in relation to other world cultures such as Colombia. POWER DISTANCE: South Africa scores 49 on this dimension, which means that people to a greater extent accept a hierarchical order in which everyone has a place and does not need any more justification.Conversely, Colombia has a high score on the PDI scale, making it a society that believes that inequalities between people are simply a fact of life. INDIVIDUALISM: South Africa, with a score of 65 is an Individualist society. This means there is a high preference for a loosely-knit social framew...

How to categorize South African's culture?

South Africans with Indian roots preserve their cultural identity, languages, and religious beliefs. South Africans middle class are considered multi-active, because they are very flexible. Multi-active people are often less interested in schedules or punctuality. They consider reality to be more important than man-made appointments.  However, the rulers of their culture must set an example, and they are considered linear-active people, because they are characterized by being punctual and meeting a rigid schedule on their agenda. The most influential character in South Africa was Nelson Mandela, who received the Nobel Peace Prize, was characterized by focusing on defending the rights of black citizens and his goal was established over a certain period of time, which defines him as linear-active .


Are we really different?         To begin with,  it should be noted  that the differences between South African and Colombian culture are not only cultural, since since colonization, the processes of each country have been different. This is reflected in the economy, in the way of life and especially in gender roles. The first difference that can be noticed in general terms is the freedom that women have. On the one hand, in Colombia, women can work just like men. On the other hand, in South Africa women are mostly engaged in agricultural work and family care, since it is the man who works. This, originates another difference, and it is the educational level, because in South Africa men are the ones who have more possibilities to attend a school or university. In Colombia, on the other hand, both women and men have the same chances of receiving an education. There are also big differences in the customs of daily life. For example, in Colombia, women have a ...


Usually, when we think of South African culture, we only rely on the stories in books or films, which are rarely produced by people from this culture.    In this image, you can see what we normally think when we are told about this culture. We believe that all South Africans are always people who wear colorful clothes. That they have rituals that include music and dance. We also think that the whole community is made up of black people. Also, that women wear very large accessories. However, it can also be seen that they are people who fight for their rights in a peaceful way and even in the face of their living conditions they remain happy in appreciation of the little they may have. As you can see, this is the representation of the image we think of when we hear about this culture. Black women and men dancing to their gods. And a community that in general has very few resources. 

Indroducing myself

Hi, everyone My name is Jesus Acuña, i'm lawyer student from the Magangué//Bolivar but now i'm living in Barranquilla. I'm 21 years old. I`m passionate about soccer, music (In especial latin music) cinema's world, criminal psychology and good art critic.  I want to be a lawyer specialized in criminal law, im currently studying that specialization along with my last semester of pre-grade. I consider myself an outgoing person, eloquent, smart person, and passionate.